VPS Spindle Speed Regulator
VPS Drive
This was the only suitable and proven dual speed drive for short (500 spindles) Ring Frames in last three decades. EXEMPLAR ENTERPRISES still supplies all kinds of spares for this. Mills who still uses short Ring Frame with VPS buys spares from us. Please send your inquiry to us.
The B5 Model of VPS was accepted by almost mill in Private sector, Co. Op. Spg Mills sector, NTC and also state textile Corp. The increasing demand made all the Ring Frame Makers like, Texmaco, MEI, Lakshmi Rieter, Textool, Jeetstex MMC Marzoli to supply their machine as our VPS Drive as built in component. With entry of longer Ring Frames (almost 1000 spindles per frame) our B5 VPS could not be supplied due to use of higher HP motor on which VPS cannot be mounted due to design limitation.
However, for short Ring Frames VPS still remained popular and customer demanded for new version of VPS. So we introduced or new Version C3 which helped mills to take spindle speeds upto 19000 on short Ring Frames. The C3 is still being run in the mills and some mills who have old B5 VPS opt for replacement by new C3 version. The design and principle is same like B5 VPS but following are the extra features:
- Use of 3 V belts of C section in place of 5 V Belts reduces frictional losses so helps save Power.
- Inventory of V belts is reduced due to less numbers are required. Further C section V Belt is much stronger than B5 so life is more. This also is a reason for reduction of inventory of V belts.
- The diameters of sheaves are increased to take care of higher speed.
- The increase in driver pulley diameters necessitates reduction of driven pulley diameter. So lesser diameter pulley means lesser weight to drive. This leads to saving in power.
VPS Spindle Speed Regulator, VPS Spindle Speed Regulator, VPS Spindle Speed Regulator, VPS Spindle Speed Regulator
Most mills who use B5 system buy C3 VPS to get better life and other benefits of VPS. Also, they do not have to make any budget for new C3 since redundant B5 is used as spares in old VPS. So instead of spending on spares mills prefer to buy new C3 VPS.
Light Weight Pulley:
It is a proven fact that if a machine pulley weight is reduced there is tremendous Power saving. We have lately introduced Special alloy Light weight pulley where the weight of pulley is almost 1/3rd. Mills report that this has reduced power to the tune of 3%. We can make any kind of pulley for machines like Ring Frame, TFO, Doubling Frames, Twisting Frames, Dual speed motors etc.
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